Time keeps on slipping

Work has been crazy busy lately and I’ve had trouble focusing on what has needed to be done. I’ve continued to push forwards in my learning but felt I was getting sidetracked easily, and so I recently began tracking my time in a more convenient way. I purchased a Timeular device This not so little 8 sided dice provides a convenient Bluetooth connection to your PC or mobile device. Each face is able to be assigned to a task with a total of strangely enough 8 tasks able to be allocated on a device at a time. when the device is Perched in its base, all tasks are paused. After about 5 minutes setting up tasks, I spent my first day faffing around with the task tracking. It was very responsive and made sure not to track sub-minute tasks, which is good for when you can’t remember where the task is.

The device comes with a pack of stickers that you can use to decorate your tracker, For me, I split my times up into Break, Work – Development, Work – Meetings, Work Documentation, and Emails, Savage Cabbage – Work, Savage Cabbage – Learning and Savage Cabbage – Design. I still have one slot free to fill in, which I’ll probably allocate to Marketing or something.

The one thing I’m not a fan of. The device is powered by a USB cable which you must first pull off a rubber faceplate to gain access to the charging point. Ok fine, BUT, there is a perfectly good base station which could have been set up to ace as a QI charging station, I realize this would likely have increased manufacturing costs, however I feel like I would be happy to pay an extra 10 bucks to just be able to plonk the device down on it’s base station at the end of the day, and know that tomorrow it would be ready to go for me.

So far I’m enjoying it, I’ll provide an update once I’ve got some time I can track and show (weekends) that are related to Savage Cabbage.

Thanks for reading.

Take care.